У меня к вам предложение, а давайте составим список самой любимой музыки, не самой модной, а той, которую вы готовы слушать всегда, "вечной" музыки...
Для меня это, во-первых,
Nina Simone - Wild Is The Wind - эту песню я нашла благодаря
juventas, за что ей огромное спасибо! Своим глубоким, низким, спокойным голосом Нина поёт песню о любви, которую хочется слушать и слушать...
скачать на CDonPC ::
Love me, love me, say you do
Let me fly away with you
For my love is like the wind
And wild is the wind
Give me more than one caress
Satisfy this hungriness
Let the wind blow through your heart
For wild is the wind
You touch me,
I hear the sound of violins
You kiss me,
And with your kiss the world begins
You're Spring to me,
All things to me
You're life itself
Like a leaf clings to a tree
Oh, my darling, cling to me
For we're creatures of the wind
And wild is the wind
For we're creatures of the wind
And wild is the wind, the wind
Wild is my love for you.
Kelis - Millionaire (feat. Andre 3000) - простенькая, но в то же время интересная и оптимистичная песенка. Мне она всегда поднимает настроение и заставляет взглянуть на вещи вокруг по-другому.
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I said her from the city, so her got to be witty witty
she said him from the country, so him got to be funky funky
verse 1:
momma ima millionaire, but I feel like a bum
momma ima millionaire, but I feel like the only one
I woke up early this moring, I don't think ya'll heard me
I woke up early this moring, I don't think ya'll heard me
I woke up early this moring, I don't think ya'll heard me
I woke up early this morning, but I still ain't see the sun
verse 2:
poppa ima millionaire, but saks 5th ave. don't sell affection
(saks 5th ave. don't sell affection)
poppa ima millionaire, but I ain't movin in the right direction
somethin ain't right, I know
I ain't rich, to he is rich, when she is rich, and we is rich ohhh
I ain't rich, to he is rich, when she is rich, and we is rich
I ain't rich, to he is rich, when she is rich, and we is rich ohhh
I ain't rich, to he is rich, when she is rich, and we is rich
dre: where there is cheese there are rats
where ever there are rats there are cats
where ever there are cats there are dogs
if u got the dogs u got bitchs
bitchs always out to put there paws on ur riches
if u got riches, u got glitches
if u got glitches in ur life, computer turn it off
& then reboot, & now u back on
can't just put the cap on the old bottle
once u pop it that'll spoil it
go on drink it and enjoy it... uh
momma ima millionaire
kelis: what's a girl to do when she just has dimes no time, just pay
what's a girl to do instead of me it's you, be true
what's a girl to do in a world of greed, would kneel & pray
what's a girl to do when she's lost her long-time friends, that's life
рада, что помогла )
2Crazy about Music:
упс, сорри, я уже потом сама это поняла